Optimism Town Hall: Season 3
This page features videos and show notes from Optimism Town Hall’s third season, which started on November 21st and is scheduled to conclude on April 3rd, 2025. Follow the Town Hall's progress and updates in the Optimism Governance Discourse Forum thread by clicking on the bell to get notifications 🐦🔥🔴✨
You’re invited to watch Season 3 Optimism Town Hall episodes in this playlist, explore related shows on the Eden Creators youtube channel, and join our weekly events to get more involved. Enjoy!
OTH 27: Optimism Fractal ORDAO Software
How is ORDAO advancing onchain democratic governance? Discover a revolutionary protocol for consent-based community coordination powered by reputation. Learn how this groundbreaking software is transforming governance for Optimism Fractal and the Superchain 🏛️🌻
OTH 28: Optimism Retro Funding 6 - Builder Insights
How can the Optimism Collective better recognize and reward impact? We explore critical insights about Retro Funding Round 6, discussing ways to improve impact recognition and evaluation processes to summon Ether’s Pheonix on the Superchain 🏛️ 🔴
OTH 29: Optimism Fractal and Town Hall 2025 Plans
How can democratic coordination scale across the Superchain? Discover the strategic vision for Optimism Fractal and Town Hall in 2025, including proposed biweekly schedules, ORDAO software implementation, and innovative approaches to cross-chain governance coordination ⚒️⛓️
OTH 30: Optimism Season 7 & Intro to Optimism Fractal and Town Hall 2025 Strategy
What transformative opportunities await Optimism Fractal as we step into Season 7 of Optimism Governance? Explore the guide to Season 7 and uncover our strategic shift toward bi-weekly community events—supporting interoperability focus and maximizing the fractal ecosystem’s impact on the Superchain and beyond 🌄🌈🌻
OTH 31: Optimism Fractal and Town Hall Growth Strategies
How will Optimism Fractal and Town Hall community events evolve in 2025? Discover how the Optimism Fractal Council's approval of bi-weekly schedules and updated community intents creates opportunities for enhanced collaboration, sustainable funding, and strategic growth across the Superchain & the Infinite Garden of Ethereum 🪷🌐
OTH 32: Growing Together
How can fractal communities create unprecedented impact on the Superchain in 2025? Join community leaders as they examine "Growing Together: Strategic Evolution for 2025" - a strategic framework analyzing unprecedented opportunities for collaboration between Optimism Fractal and Eden Fractal, building on Tadas' pioneering analysis of coordination challenges and sustainable development mechanisms 🌅