OTH 0: Optimism Town Hall Proposal
We introduce Optimism Town Hall and Cagendas - a community agenda game for prioritizing topics, deliberating key issues, and forming consensus to benefit the Optimism Collective 🍎 ⏱️ 💫
Date: May 9th, 2024
Show Notes
4:10 Dan introduces a proposal to start planning a consensus game called "Cagendas" after each Optimism Fractal event and a new community forum, the Optimism Town Hall, to replace the planning session. He gives a quick overview of Cagendas.
1:19:07 Dan gives a shoutout to Deez and gives an overview of Mode
1:20:12 Dan shares updates and recommends reading the proposal for the Optimism town hall. He provides a brief overview of the town hall and Cagendas. Dan clarifies that the Optimism town hall is open to the entire Optimism community, hosted by Optimism Fractal and utilizing respect voting to engage participants.